Want to increase your online privacy, security, and anonymity? Check out my in-depth article on HostingData UK that gives you useful tips and explains why it makes a difference. I include tips for smart phones, assistant devices, smart watches, and security cameras as well, so I think it is certainly worth the read. Share it with your family and friends so everyone can be more informed and take preventative action to keep themselves and their personal information safe. Online Privacy Guide
There’s so much to learn about cyber security but who really has the time to read through all that information? Sometimes you just want the facts so you can figure out what to do to keep yourself safe Below are 10 different infographics on different security categories that I felt the general public should see. When it comes to staying safe online, education and prevention are key, so take these to heart. 1. Cyber Crime Statistics https://blog.unloq.io/77-facts-about-cyber-crimes-one-should-know-in-2018-infographic-b19b990e673f 2. Online Threats https://blog.zonealarm.com/ 3. Your Devices https://www.securityprivacyrisk.com/what-do-your-mobile-devices-know-about-you/ 4. Identity Theft https://quartsoft.com/blog/201609/protecting-your-identity-theft-infographic 5. Online Harassment https://www.pandasecurity.com/en/mediacenter/panda-security/how-to-handle-online-harassment/ 6. Cyber Bullying https://www.ultius.com/resources/infographics/statistics-on-cyber-bullying-infographic.html 7. Password Cracking...
During this time of Covid-19 and lockdowns, more people have increased their digital intake. Not only that, but many individuals are craving company and human interaction and are searching online to find it. Regardless of what you are doing now, it’s never a bad idea to update yourself on cyber security to ensure you stay safe online. Check out this article I wrote for Privacy Canada and be sure to incorporate these tips. It is always better to be alert and take preventative steps than it is to deal with the after math of a cyber crime. Stay safe and...
Online, there are two kinds of people: Those who are free, love to share, and didn’t think twice about using their real name, and those who are very secretive, and do their best to keep all aspects about themselves private. The latter avoid having any social medias and would even invest in tools such as VPNs and Proxys to avoid having their internet traffic tracked or monitored. Although living to that extreme isn’t necessary (if you have no reason for anyone to come find you anyways), they are in the right state of mind when it comes to personal privacy,...
When you consider that Cyber Intelligence is the means of finding information on the internet, the uses for it is limitless! Here are some cases where you may want a CIP’s help: 1. Digital Background Checks Thanks to social media, blogs, and other personal content floating on the web, Cyber Intelligence can reveal a lot about a person. It not only gives insight into a person’s character, history, interests, and skills, but it can reveal red flags such as drug use, discriminatory comments, and lies. Whether you are looking into a romantic interest, a job candidate, or a business partner,...
WHAT IS THE PROCESS FOR CYBER INTELLIGENCE? Just like an investigation, Cyber Intelligence should start with a plan. The biggest users of intelligence are the government, military and police. They use intelligence to monitor people or groups for criminal behaviour, terrorism, and threats. For ongoing intelligence, The Intelligence Cycle is commonly used. In the private sector, intelligence is usually requested as a one-time service, such as a background check. Regardless of the purpose, certain steps should always be taken: Requirement Gathering: In the first stage, the CIP needs to understand why intelligence is being requested, what information the client would like to find,...
Let’s start with defining “Intelligence”. According to Oxford, Intelligence has two definitions: 1. “The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.” It is this term that is used in fields like “artificial intelligence” where a robot or program is designed to learn, try, and grow like a baby would. This kind of intelligence is also used when referring to learning styles. 2. “The collection of information of military or political value.” This has “information gathering,” “surveillance,” “observation,” and “reconnaissance” as synonyms, and it is this definition that we will be using for Cyber Intelligence. Humans were always social creatures. By...